A Student Perspective: The Road Not Favored
by Kalisha Nelson
Prior to receiving my driver’s license, my parents took turns driving me to the mall. I was always annoyed that my dad would take the scenic route to get there instead of the expressway that my mom would take. One day my dad commented on my irritable state. He looked at me and said, “Eventually you will learn that despite the path you take, the most important thing is to arrive at your destination.” Those words meant very little to me then, but now I can appreciate their value. Read Full Article >>
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Washington State Gov. Gregoire Invests to Increase Rural Access to Qualified Medical Professionals
Governor Chris Gregoire, at Washington State University (WSU) Spokane, announced she will invest in the creation and expansion of rural education networks, such as WWAMI (Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, Idaho) and RIDE (Regional Initiatives in Dental Education) so all Washingtonians are able to access high-quality health care. Read Full Article >>
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UConn Launches Directions for Dental Students (DDS) Mentoring Program
UConn’s Directions for Dental Students (DDS) Mentoring Program got off to a fun-filled start on February 15, 2007 despite the inclement weather in the region. The newly appointed Dean, Dr. Monty MacNeil, in welcoming the 28 guests, thanked them for attending, and spoke of the importance of mentoring for students. Read Full Article >>
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USC and the National Health Service Corps
The University of Southern California School of Dentistry hosted a special information session for doctoral dental students interested in participating in the National Health Service Corps (NHSC) Scholarship Program. Twenty USC students attended and were introduced to the program by NHSC scholarship recipient and USC class of 2007 dental student Blake Olson, who has received the scholarship since 2004. Fellow dental student Jessica Nguyen, who applied to the program last year, also gave advice and pointers on a successful application and interview. Read Full Article>>
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WVU Hosts Conversations on Diversity with Dr. Charles Terrell
Dr. Charles Terrell, Vice President for Diversity Policy and Minority Programs for the Association of American Medical Colleges, led a series of conversations on diversity at West Virginia University in February. Students and faculty from the WVU School of Dentistry, along with the three other colleges in the University’s Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center, explored a number of diversity topics ranging from workforce diversity to under-represented minority student recruitment and holistic admissions policies. Read Full Article>>
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Awards & Accolades
Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, has been selected as the 2007 William Thomas Green Morton Laureate and will therefore receive the William Thomas Green Morton National Award for the Advancement of General Dentistry.
The Morton Award is presented annually by the Maryland Academy of General Dentistry to an individual, organization, or corporation “who through clinical accomplishment, education development, basic or applied research, invention, or visionary leadership, made a most monumental contribution to the advancement of the field of general dentistry.”
The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry was chosen to receive a 2006 Annual Human Relations Awards from the City of Chicago Commission on Human Relations. The College was honored on Oct. 31 for its efforts to bring much-needed dental care to the poor, racial and ethnic minorities, and people who lack dental insurance.
Ronald Strauss, DMD, PhD is this year’s recipient of the American Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association’s Honors of the Association award. The award will be presented on Thursday, April 27, 2007, at the ACPA annual luncheon in Broomfield, CO.
The Honors of the Association award represents the highest expression of respect and gratitude that the Association can bestow and is granted to those individuals whose lifetime of research, health care delivery, or leadership has advanced the amelioration of physical, behavioral, or social handicapping conditions of cleft lip and palate or other craniofacial anomalies.
Judy Stavisky, Senior Program Officer for the Dental Pipeline program at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, was awarded The American Dental Education Association’s (ADEA) Presidential Citation for outstanding contributions to the mission of the ADEA and to the profession of dentistry. The award was presented at the ADEA‘s Annual Meeting in New Orleans in March 2007.
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Featured Events
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Dental Pipeline Capstone Meeting! The event will take place on June 13-15, 2007 at the Park Hyatt in Philadelphia, PA. As we come together in this fifth year, we will discuss best practices, sustainability, leadership, and the impact our programs have had and will continue to have on the healthcare delivery system. For more information on the Capstone meeting, please contact Cynthia Dunbar at 212-304-6098.
The Community-Campus Partnerships for Health will be hosting their 10th anniversary conference, "Mobilizing Partnerships for Social Change," on April 11-14 in Toronto. The conference aims to nurture a growing network of community-campus partnerships that are striving to achieve the systems and policy changes needed to address the root causes of health, social, and economic inequalities. The conference, seeks to build knowledge, skills and actions for achieving healthy and just societies. How do we combine the knowledge and wisdom in communities and in academic institutions to solve the major health, social and economic challenges facing our society? How do we ensure that community-driven social change is central to service-learning and community-based participatory research?
For more information, please visit http://depts.washington.edu/ccph/conf-registration.html#Registration
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E-Newsletter Archives
About this E-Newsletter
Dental Pipeline E-Newsletter is a monthly publication of the Pipeline, Profession & Practice: Community-Based Dental Education (Dental Pipeline) program. Pipeline, Profession & Practice: Community-Based Dental Education is a national program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with direction and technical assistance provided by the Center for Community Health Partnerships at Columbia University Medical Center. Additional funding for the Dental Pipeline: California Initiative is provided by The California Endowment. To sign up for the E-Newsletter click here or to remove your name from the list click here.