URM Student Recruitment Resources
Enrollment and Graduation Trends
- Carlisle D, Gardner J, Liu H. "The entry of underrepresented minority students into U.S. medical schools: An evaluation of recent trends." American Journal of Public Health, 88(9): 1314-1318, 1998.
- Ranney R, Wilson M, Bennett R. "Evaluation of Applicants to Predoctoral Dental Education Programs: Review of Literature." Journal of Dental Education, 69(10): 1095-1106, 2005.
- Rowland, M. and Casamassimo, P. "Principal Dental Admissions Officers: Who are Dentistry's Gatekeepers?" Journal of Dental Education. 70(4): April 2006.
- Sinkford J, Harrison S, Valachovic R. "Underrepresented minority enrollment in U.S. dental schools - the challenge." Journal of Dental Education, 65(6): 564-570, 2001.
- Sinkford J, Valachovic R, Harrison S. “Underrepresented Minority Dental School Enrollment: Continued Vigilance Required.” Journal of Dental Education, 68:1112-1118, 2004.
- Tedesco, Lisa A. "Post-Affirmative Action Supreme Court Decision: New Challenges for Academic Institutions." Journal of Dental Education. 69(11): 1212-1221, 2005.
- Veal K, et al. "The Pathway to Dentistry for Minority Students: From their Perspective." Journal of Dental Education, 68(9): 938-946, 2004.
- Weaver, Richard G., et al. "U.S. Dental School Applicants and Enrollees: 2003 and 2004." Journal of Dental Education, 69(9): 1064-1072, 2005.
Programs to Increase Enrollment/Graduation
- Bowen WG and Bok D. The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998.
- Brody H and Alexander C. "The UCSF post-baccalaureate reapplication program: A preliminary report." Journal of Dental Education, 64(11): 763-771, 2000.
- Brooks ES, et al. “Bridge to Dentistry: One Dental School’s Approach to Improving Its Enrollment of Underrepresented Minorities.” Journal of American College of Dentists, 69(1): 23-30, 2002.
- Carline JD and Patterson DG. “Assessment of the Health Professions Partnership Initiative: A Report to The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.” 2002.
- Carline JD, Patterson DG, Davis LA. "Enrichment programs intended to increase the representation of minorities in medicine." Academic Medicine, 73(3): 299-301, 1998.
- Cavazos L. "Strategies for enhancing the diversity of the oral health profession." Journal of Dental Education, 65:269-272, 2001.
- Cregler LL. “Enrichment programs to create a pipeline to biomedical science careers.” Journal of the Association for Academic Minority Physicians, 4 (4): 127-131, 1993.
- Cullen DL, et al. “Minority students benefit from mentoring programs.” Radiologic Technology, 64(4): 226-231, 1993.
- Formicola A, et al. "Creating an Environment for Diversity in Dental Schools: One School's Approach." Journal of Dental Education, 67(5): 491-499, 2003.
- Frankl S. “Strategies to Create and Sustain a Diverse Faculty and Student Body at the Boston University School of Dental Medicine.” Journal of Dental Education, 67(9): 1042-1045, 2003.
- Gates P, Ganey J, Brown M. “Building the Minority Faculty Development Pipeline.” Journal of Dental Education, 67(9): 1034-1038, 2003.
- Grumbach K, et al. "Trends in Underrepresented Minority Participation in Health Professional Schools." In The Right Thing to Do, Smart Thing to Do: Enhancing Diversity in the Health Professions. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 2001.
- Hesser A and Lewis L. “Evaluation of a supplementary retention program for black allied health sciences students.” Academic Medicine, 67(4): 270-272, 1992.
- Hojat M, et al. “Postbaccalaureate preparation and performance in medical school.” Academic Medicine, 65(6): 338-391, 1990.
- Iler E and Slater M. “The Gateway Program: Ten-year lessons about outcomes and admission measures.” Academic Medicine, 73(11): 1169-1171, 1998.
- Jones F and Flowers JC. “New York’s statewide approach to increase the number of minority applicants to medical school.” Academic Medicine, 65(11): 671-674, 1990.
- Balancing the Scales of Opportunity: Ensuring Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Health Professions. Washington D.C.: Office of Health Policy Programs and Fellowships, Institute of Medicine, The National Academies Press, 1994.
- Lopez N, Wadenya R, Berthold P. “Effective Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Underrepresented Minority Students: Perspectives from Dental Students.” Journal of Dental Education, 67(10):1107-1112, 2003.
- McGlinn S, Jackson EW, Bardo HR. “Postbaccalaureate Medical/Dental Education Preparatory Program (MEDPREP) at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.” Academic Medicine, 74(4): 380-382, 1999.
- Mullan F. "Affirmative Action, Cuban Style." The New England Journal of Medicine, 351 (26): 2680-2682, 2004.
- Perry RR, Philips BU, Mahan JM. “A follow-up evaluation of a summer health career program for minority students.” Journal of Medical Education, 51(3): 175-180, 1976.
- The Right Thing to Do, Smart Thing to Do: Enhancing Diversity in the Health Professions. Summary of the Symposium on Diversity in the Health Professions in Honor of Herbert W. Nickens, M.D. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, 2001.
- Strategies for Improving the Diversity of the Health Professions. Woodland Hills: The California Endowment, 2003.
- Strayhorn G. "A Pre-admission program for underrepresented minority and disadvantaged students: Application, acceptance, graduation rates and timeliness of graduating from medical school." Academic Medicine, 75(4); 355-361, 2000.
- Strayhorn G. “Participation in a premedical summer program for underrepresented-minority students as a predictor of academic performance in the first three years of medical school: two studies.” Academic Medicine, 74 (4): 435-447, 1999.
- Terrell C and Beaudreau J. “3000 by 2000 and Beyond: Next Steps for Promoting Diversity in the Health Professions.” Journal of Dental Education, 67(9): 1048-1052, 2003.
- Thomson WA, et al. “Results of a summer academy to increase minority student access to allied health and other health professions.” Journal of Allied Health, 21(2): 79-93, 1992.
- Wadenya R, et al. “Strategies for Recruitment and Retention of Underrepresented Minority Students at the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine.” Journal of Dental Education, 67(9): 1039-1041, 2003.
- David E. Hayes-Bautista, Ph.D., et al. "The rise and fall of the latino dentist supply in california: implications for dental education." Journal of Dental Education. 2007 Feb;71(2):227-34.
Impact on Care to Underserved
- DeCastro J, Bolger D, Feldman C. "Clinical Competence of Graduates of Community-Based and Traditional Curricula." Journal of Dental Education. 69(12) : 1324-1331, 2005.
- Johnson JC, Williams B, Jayadecappa R. “Mentoring program for minority faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.” Academic Medicine, 74(4): 376-9, 1999.
- Komaromy M, et al. “The Role of Black and Hispanic Physicians in Providing Health Care for Underserved Populations.” The New England Journal of Medicine, 334 (20): 1305-1310, 1996.
- Kuthy R, McQuistan M, Riniker K. "Students’ Comfort Level in Treating Vulnerable Populations and Future Willingness to Treat: Results Prior to Extramural Participation." Journal of Dental Education. 69(12): 1307-1314, 2005.
- Methodology Development and Assessment of the Impact of the Centers of Excellence Program. Washington D.C.: Division of Disadvantaged Assistance, Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, Public Health Service, HRSA, 1999.
- Moy E and Bartman BA. “Physician Race and Care of Minority and Medically Indigent Patients.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 273 (19): 1515-1520, 1995.
- Potts JT, Jr. "Recruitment of minority physicians into careers in internal medicine." Academic Medicine, 116(12 P2): 1099-1102, 1992.
- Saha S, et al. “Do Patients Choose Physicians of Their Own Race?” Health Affairs, 19(4): 76, 2000.
- Segal SS, et al. “The Academic Support Program at the University of Michigan School of Medicine.” Academic Medicine, 74(4): 383-385, 1999.
- Solomon E, Williams C, Sinkford J. "Practice location characteristics of Black dentists in Texas." Journal Dental Education, 65(6): 571-578, 2001.